Edison Skate Spot

Huntington Beach

Sports Facilities, Skateparks

As part of the renovations at the Edison Park complex, which hosts a variety of recreational amenities for the community, the City of Huntington Beach elected to construct a new temporary skate spot in an unused portion of the park. By soliciting feedback from the local community, the design consultant team of RJM Design Group and Newline Skateparks were able to craft an allages street feature skate spot that challenges experienced riders and helps teach beginners. This skate spot contains various elements including double-sided curbs, a manual pad, a grind bench, a flat bar, and most importantly, tons of flat ground.

Since the grand opening on July 29th, 2021, the simply designed skate spot has gotten rave reviews from the local skateboarding community, as well as parents for giving their young children a place to learn and continue the rich history of skateboarding in Huntington Beach.

Key Elements

  • Double-Sided Curbs
  • Manual Pad
  • Grind Bench
  • Flat Bar
  • Flat Ground for Open Skate