
Riverside, CA

P&R Master Plans

The Comprehensive Parks, Recreation & Community Services Master Plan process commenced with an examination of the characteristics that define the community, and an inventory of the existing recreational opportunities and resources available within the city.  The inventory and analysis provided the foundational understanding of the community and serves as the starting point from which community members are engaged and their needs are identified.  Established methods of community involvement included a Riverside-specific telephone survey, stakeholder interviews, focus groups, GIS community online survey, a sports organization questionnaire, and ward specific community workshops which provided multiple opportunities to engage the community members, and multiple measures from which a broad understanding of community issues, recreational facility and program usage patterns and the community needs for parks and recreation facilities is developed.  Identified needs, facility usage patterns, recreation standards and population projections provide the basis for the quantification of facilities required to meet identified community needs.  Facility recommendations are derived based on priority of needs, then general cost for recommendations are identified. A full CASp report was also prepared as part of this project.

Key Elements

  • Completed 2019
  • City-Specific Telephone Survey
  • GIS Community Online Survey
  • Multiple Community Workshops
  • Facility Usage Patterns
  • Certified Accessibility Specialist (CASp) Report